Monday, December 29, 2008

30th December 2008

Today is the 30th of December 2008
Before starting
Do you believe in God?

I think
God exist.....
He answered by making my sis's music file dissappear
thinking back i didn't realise.....
at around 10am when i just close the door
my sis DID apologise but
i didn't ask why cause you know a little nervous went rushing out to school
after getting the result
went LY's house she was reading my blog THEN i only realise about it....
Yesterday night
i was crapping about the how many As and what would happen stuff
seriously i didn't mean anything about that to happen
i was just crapping...
He answered EXACTLY 10 hours later
Can it be coincidence?
Or did God REALLY answered me?
or God?
LY thinks it has something to do with Christmas
It's the time of year when God will be most active answering our prayers...
God ?
or coincidence?....
Back about the result
i know i said i'd be perfectly happy if i got 7As and 1B if the B is chinese
well got it but i'm not perfectly happy
BECAUSE when i read the result slip
it is :
think i'll have to edit it
erase the chinese lol
Congrats to all!!!
congratulation LY!!
you are the only chinese student who got 8As!!!
WY congrats too!!
Carmen Lyn KS
i knew you guys would get straight As
congratulation to everyone straight As or not
we did er... quite a good job?
Now got to seriously think about which stream to take next year
i hate making decisions...