Thursday, October 14, 2010

Feeling betrayed

many things made me realise
things just come and go

we always thought we still have time
we thought we did this mistake, we apologized and everything will go on as normal
then unfortunately you did the same mistake again
that's what you did

I wanted to forgive you
but its hard
no one is supposed to be betrayed by anyone
especially the ones you love
you shouldn't betray them

I thought you really meant it
that you'll change
but you still find excuses for your betrayal

I saw how other people is to their love ones
why can't you be more like them?

you showed everyone you acted
but unfortunately you didn't fooled me

i wanted to tell myself
you changed

however deep down
i know
you haven't...

why can't things be like they used to
or i thought it always was?

things that one doesn't know wont hurt them

it's true

i rather not know but i thank God for letting me know

i'm still trying to accept it
but i really do hope that you'll change