Sunday, June 27, 2010

Qi Jia's CO2 Car Race Journey part 1 xD

the team which consists of
me, Tim Soon , Matthew, Wen Jing
with Pn Chong KL
with the help of Yong Shiang and Jia Chen
Choon Tye and Mun Hong

after lots of trials and error
after lots of sleepness nights
we won 3rd!!!
more accurately tim soon, matthew, wen jing, yong shiang, choon tye and mun hoong won 3rd

well that's the summary of the whole story

but if you want the details
please slowly read on xD

okay i'm going to skip our trials and errors
because basically the car 1 day moved, 1 day leaked, 1day move a tiny little bit, 1 day didn't move at all, 1day moved damn far, one day nozzle flew off one day pa boom!

so its a freaking roller coaster ride

during the two weeks of holidays
me and tim soon got superstitious xD
because apparently the car always worked well when Yong Shiang was in school
and the car NEVER went well whenever Yong Shiang didn't go school


even Pn Chong sometimes think so too >.<

So on 25th June(competition day)
i had sushi for breakfast
then went school
went straight to physic lab to meet up with the team
basically "sapu" every thing from the lab as precaution xD
before leaving the school

Tim soon n wen jing went with Pn Chong
the others went in Yong Shiang's car

Arrived at Taylors Lakeside Campus
saw many teams from other school

i got a little excited
don't ask me why am i excited instead of nervous
i just feel excited
went into theather 13 saw some cars
O.O some look really cool and chunted and really advance
while our car looks like it was from pasar malam xD
then we went to take our goodies bag or plastic bag with the T-shirt

i like the Tshirt!!!
since Tim Soon can't wear the shirt cause there's no size for him(sorry!)
he switched(more accurately he ordered mun hong or choon tye to switched) 1 L size t shirt to s size

so now i got 2 s size t shirt! hehe
1 is going to be "conteng" !!!!
yep i usually conteng my t shirt if i have two of the same shirt
using fabric paint of course ^^

after a short briefing by Taylor's
we went to the race site
every team was busy with their car
except our team xD

Pn Chong wants it to be confidential

when the 4th team was called we went to our track to prepare
the professors aren't happy that we(team 6) is taking so much time to prepare when others team only used like 5 minutes

so on the 4th minute(yea we time ourselves)
we tape the bottle with chemicals onto the car
when we were going to tape the 2nd or 3rd time(i can't remember i lost track)

the bottle EXPLODED
seriously like BAANG!

got a splash of chemicals on the face
but i only remembered searing pain on my palm

Thank God i wear glasses
so my eyes weren't hurt
but my palm is bleeding

everything was blur
(remember this is my point of view)
i only heard people bringing me and someone i think its matthew to be washed
i was only concern of washing my bleeding palm
(my brain wasn't funtioning)
so i momentarily forgotten that i have chemicals on my face
then suddenly Pn Chong was beside me
took of my specs off and was washing my face

i think it was Pn Chong who said that I need ambulans
not very sure
eveything was a blur

well the professor who wanted our team to be faster was pulling me into one of the Taylor's building

i can't remember what he said
but he made me drink lots of water
and he was holding my arm horizontally
(which is wrong because blood flows faster. Therefore more blood loss. suppose to be vertical. Don't blame him though he doesn't major in biology =))

i looked down i saw blood
then suddenly i realised
crap its my blood
(sorry la my brain wasn't functioning well)

a female doctor(i think came)
when we were in the toilet washing my palm
during that time i had finished 2 bottles of mineral water
yes TWO

they put lots of cotton
i remember they asked if i was dizzy
a answered not yet
(really not yet dizzy i can see clearly but can't hear clearly)

so they kept putting iodine(i think)
plaster and cottons and bandages

then when they walked me out of the toilet
my eyesight begins to blur
there's tiny black dots everywhere

i told the doctor so she hurried and sat me down

i remember they asked if i have my IC
well i don't and i never bring my IC
(because it's my mom's order
" what happens if your IC goes missing? you'll be in big trouble!")
i said no
then they asked for my mom's number
gave them

that's the time i feel very dizzy i can't remember much
other than a guy called my mom
pn chong, the team and yong shiang was there
sorry my memory is pretty blur

then suddenly came a cup of milo
and i'm suppose to finish drinking it
and i did(by now i'm full of fluid)

mom told them to bring me to SJMC(now is known as SDMC) instead of Sunway medical centre
Pn Chong was with me into the car
somehow i wasn't that dizzy as before and there's a can of 100plus in my hand
no idea how

Pn Chong apologize and i feel way way worse
because this accident was no one's fault
that's why it's an accident!
no one would actually thought that the bottle would explode
then pn chong was asking me am i right handed
and thank God i am because i doubt i can draw well with my left
and i have a drawing competition soon!
Thank God!

anyway the driver took a wrong turn
so Pn Chong directed her to SDMC

arrived at SDMC
went into the emergency ward
was put onto a wheel chair
wheeled into the ward
placed onto a bed waiting for doctor

doctor came
asked what happen
of all time i began to go dizzy again
i answered lots of stupid questions
can't remember what
i blah blah a lot la
i just can't remember what

o and the nurse was shock that i have a 100plus in my hand
apparently if one is cut
and there's foreign object in the cut
he or she isn't suppose to drink or eat
so 100plus was confiscated xD

changed into the hospital's dress (sorry don't know what it's called)
doctor says i have to go for x-ray
checked if its glass or something

went out of the ward
saw my mom
she saw my hand
she's like
o it's minor(in mandarin)

the nurse wheeling me out
was smiling
"Your mom doesn't seem to worry" xD
yep i've been worse condition so its really no big deal

the nurse outside the x-ray room asked me the stupidest question ever
"Are you sexually active?"
i was stunned
do they know how to spell virgin?
gosh they asked me that question for around 3 times even after i said no no no

what the hell?

i'm beginning to suspect they aren't that innocent when they are my age

so was pushed into the x-ray room
x-rayed the hand
went out back outside the emergency ward to wait for the doctor with the x-ray report

meanwhile mom said the Taylor's driver was surprised that i didn't cry or shed a tear
honestly why should i?
it's only cut with a foreign object in it
nothing major
even though my palm can feel burning sensation
its still pretty minor
compare to another patient in the emergency ward who's leg was bloody

while waiting
pn chong told me the rest of the team won 3rd!!
second trial got 3rd!! whoa hoo!!!
i wanted to jump out of the wheel chair but it doesn't seem approciate
so i restrained myself from jumping xD

still waiting for the report
Yong Shiang and the team all arrived
they should have stayed at Taylors and have their lunch
i'm hurt but not seriously hurt wad
Pn Chong could have go back to Taylors
(there's 6 more students there and my mom was with me already)
i know they are concern but still!
i'm just mad that they didn't record down when car moved during the competition

well when the report came out i was wheeled back into the emergency ward.
said bye to everyone and the doctor said they can't detect any thing in my palm
so it must be plastic
(cause x-ray can't detect plastic)

i told the doctor i can't hear well
my ear felt like there's something blocking it
and there's eeee sound once in a while
doctor said it was normal
will continue like that for a few days

the plastic in my palm was curved
and somehow the freaking plastic is bigger than my wound
hence i need a hand surgeon to take it out
so the hand surgeon came
gave me lots of injection to numb the pain

he said i'm not suppose to drink any fluid because
when one is about to go for surgery(major or minor)
should be fasting for about 6hours
meaning i can only take the damn plastic out at 3pm

i don't want to wait!!
in the end the doctor managed to twizzle it out
and it was out at 2 something
not 3pmwhoa~ hoo~

after cleansing the wound
it was bandaged
ate a painkiller and antibiotic
i was out of the hospital!

and that's what happen

i'll post another blog about what happened after i was out of the hospital together with pictures
because my parents
they are now annoying me and wanting me to go offline =.=

tata for now ^^