Thursday, September 17, 2009


today school is soooooooo BORING
there's no snowflakes in the school la
i freaking feel like KILLING myself during chemistry
yep i HATE chemistry

went to lab twice
there's nobody so i went back class
later i went with amerlyn to the lab again
still tak ada orang
then when we walking up the stairs
suddenly amerlyn saw the twins
in the PHYSIC lab... =.=

later school is simply the same
being ketua blok SUCK
"masuk class cepat masuk class"
even i also sien la... ish....

ok finally WAHAHA
SCHOOL IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!

ohya yesterday BM was our last period
we were doing Seri Nara or something
a lame( x10000000000) drama

so me and looyee started counting from 600(10min x 60sec)
yep i know (seriously damn SIEN) but its fun
MUST try this countdown

we count and count and count from backwards

and wan yin was staring at us like uh....????
every 11 seconds we take turns to do the countdown
loo yee : 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80
me : 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70..............

from 600 to 94 then the bell rang
too early la
somethings wrong with the bell
then approximately 90 seconds later the bell rang AGAIN
i was like UGRH!!!!!!

okay back to today after school

by 2pm i walked to loo yee's house
halfway i met amerlyn so i tumpang her car lo
she's like are u cold?
i was wearing a long sleeve
( i takut become black mah since i'm walking and its 2pm)

we watched Hannah Montana
the movie is better than i expected

than we WALK
as in me loo yee wan yin and AWESome
it was a last minute planning
..we walk to SNOWFLAKES

when we reached there it was so crowded
and we were damn sweaty and we felt hot(you know)
so we chose to sit in the air-conditioner area lo
we ate for 45mins
the last 15mins we were freezing

the Snowflakes Bestseller
is a must TRY and you'll LOVE it :D

i'll upload the pictures later ( so yummy)
since i'm now at loo yee's house
cause my Internet went sot
well that's all


wait on the way back from Snowflakes
there's an Indian guy
like following us
so we took out our umbrellas out and i started swinging it
takut kena mugged
even though loo yee and me learnt wushu before
amerlyn and wan yin also learnt taekwando before xD

seriously will your martial art skills be useful if you really met a mugger or thief or rapist or something?