Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Today is 09/09/09!!!!!!!!

i got a new phone on Merdeka day!!!
^^ Thanks Dad!!!!

my Dad is now currently in the hospital
he's been having some sicknesss since February and comfirmed NOT H1N1
Thank God
Hope Dad can get well soon ASAP
and hope the doctors find out whats causing him sick

August test result came back
it was like shit....
i was damn careless espeacially in add maths.....

anyway i was just watching Lachata by f(x)
i know what you're thinking
Obviously it is SO not add maths
it is pronounce as Effect
well don't ask me why
that's what amerlyn and loo yee told me :D

Downloading "The Swan Princess"
my favourite animation when i was little
i can't believe i can actually remember the songs in that movie
not the whole songs just a few chorus <3
my favourite is Far Longer Than Forever and This Is My Idea
there's also Practice Practice Practice, Princesses on Parade, No Fear and Mr Nice Guy
the movie came out in 1994
i was just 2!!!
this shows just how much i LOVE this movie or animation or whatever you call it

and the best thing that happened yesterday

i got a call

to inform me

I WON RM200!!!!!!
in an art competition
so far i only won RM970 from drawing contest
ish... i need to win another RM30!!!
Essay RM400 and singing RM100

the drawing contest was throughout the nation
and i got consolation
1st price is RM1000!!!!
aih... i have to brush up my poster and water colours
and most importantly drawing
if i want to get 1st throughout the nation

i have to score for my year end examination
or its good-bye to scholarships =.=


I WANT TO JOIN RAKAN MUDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


they organize trips to JAPAN
its like a student exchange thing
only that they not only get to go Japan but to other Asia countries

i know this because my mom adopted 2 exchange students last two years
and its organized by Rakan Muda for the last 5 years!!!!!