Saturday, June 13, 2009

Raub, Pahang

Malacca's no. 11 13 and 14 players!
are leng zhai!


Malacca team is good!

no doubt of that

they beat Selangor by 52 points!
but Selangor around 3 or 4 of them were hurt so the result is quite ok

When Selangor versus Kelantan
half of them were hurt de
so its quite good that they got 81 points
lost to kelantan by 2 points only

OMG Sarawak girl team is so damn ganas(fierce)
especially no 13 9 and 12
no. 13 started the tug of basketball war
the game just started for 15 minutes no.13 had already got herself 4 fouls
they actually jump on to the backs of Selangor girls
it must hurt a lot
i know when i saw those foul moves i was like
its like they are not civilised at all!

the Sarawak girls HIT them to the ground
they got a LOT of fouls

God bless the Selangor gilr players
the WON!!

Ohya my cousin brother who is just 6 years old
when the Sarawak girls were doing their warm up
he asked me
"Jye why boys can join one?
I thought this is a girl's competition?"


the Sarawak girls players cut their hair
SO short
like boy cut
but 1 side is long atually is short hair length
the other side is VERY short just like boys cut
around 2 or 3 inch long

some of them went and dye their hair BLOND on one side of their hair!

now back to the Malacca guys xD
they were FAST but not as fast as the KL's team

Final game was Malacca vs KL
when the KL guys was doing their warming up their aim was so PERFECT
everytime score!
Malacca's warming up not all of them score

KL guys were made up of VERY tall and BIG SIZE and even short players
shorter than i am
but no.4 although he's short
he's good at shooting and running AND snatching the ball!!

he scored a few time of 3 points ball
damn chun!

KL no.11 was tall and big size
he can't run very fast but he's STRONG
4 Malacca guys were around him
north south east west everywhere
when he tried to score
he just stop and RUN past them as
and they just FELL
he must be really strong 0.0

and he's tall enough that everytime Malacca tried to shoot
he just raised his hand
PATS the ball down

When the game between Malacca and KL started
KL's players aim were all LOUSY
but they can run REALLY fast
no.4 is definitely a cili padi

KL wasted a lot of goals
they snatch the basketball alot of time but they MISSED 8 out of 10 time!!

Malacca guys although they are not that fast but they score every 8 time out of 10 time!
Even though their warming up aim's not that good
but they were GOOD during the game

Malacca deserve 1st place

the result was quite shocking
cause last year Malacca got 10th place
this year 1st!

~practice makes perfect~

or you can say

~hardwork pays off in the end~
