Sunday, June 7, 2009

4th June 2009

The 1st time


i'm not joking

this is my FIRST time

i get to spend my birthday with my friends

the past fifteen years


for the last fifteen years

i spent the 4th of JuneS

with my family

they say birthday is a family event

so nearly every year go on a holiday

but this year my parents were busy

(my dad got home from work at 2am)

therefore i get to spend time with friends :D

so i went Loo Yee's house
there's Wan Yin
Kah Sim!! long time didn't see her de..
i swear Kah Sim had grew taller!!

we were sitting outside her house cause
her house is renovating
very noisy
than we started talking
i forgotten what we talked then Carmen's parents came and fetch us to pyramid
that day Amerlyn had to go Genting T.T

we went there at 10.20am
because we want to get a place at Shogun
there's already a LONG line
we decided to skip and we headed to the cinema

and the debates starts

Kah Sim wants Hannah Montana
Carmen wants 17 again
Kah Sim wants Miley
Carmen wants Zac Effron
Kah Sim prefers Miley than Zac
Carmen prefers Zac than Miley
Loo Yee and I don't want Miley or Zac
Carmen, Loo Yee and I rather watch Miley onTV screen
Wan Yin no comments

Since everybody haven't watch Night At the Museum 2

yep we wasted quite a lot of time on debating xD
after buying the tickets we went to Korean Street Cafe
the korean boss took our picture :D
we were the 1st customer that day
and the 1st pack of customer to use his new camera

than Kok Tong came
than we chit chat
OMG the ramen was so spicy
me and loo yee can't stop drinking water
we talk about what names the form 1 girls
gave JH and themselves
the names seriously laugh our ass out
we went walking around
they want to buy me cke and present
but honestly i don't want cake or present

i already had 3 cakes for my birthday this year
and having friends celebrating teman me go hang gai
is simply the best present de
on the way going to Yoghurt Berry
carmen and kah sim were so far ahead of
me loo yee wan yin kah sim and kok tong
then suddenly
this guy quite big size who's wearing some romans suit
like Octavius in NATM2
suddenly stares at kok tong
den shouted VICTORY!!
all of us juz stare and it was .....
Then we went Yoghurt Berry
makan then went for cinema
wait before reaching the cinema we met Mr Octavius again!
me and wan yin started laughing when we saw him
when he saw us we tried to swallow our laughter
then Mr Octavius
"Don't be afraid young ladies!"
we just went WTH and started laughing again
Night at the Musuem was funny
everyone was laughing when little Einstein came out
bobbly head
so cute!
there's the 2 monkeys
little Einstein shouting
" you slap you kick!
you slap you kick!"
during the war no one will ever know
it was hilarious xD
After movie kok tong went back
we went Sushi Groove for dinner
it was expensive
not really nice in my opinion
i prefer Zanmai
Kah Sim got to go back early for tuition
and Carmen has got stomach ache
in the end me wan yin and loo yee went Asian Avenue hang gai
we went to this shop
there's a lot of masks and weird funny things
best shop so far xD
we went and try some wigs
bomb hair
curly hair
durian head
around 9.30 we went back home
got home there's another cake!
my goodness i'm getting tired of cakes honestly
went for supper with mom and sisters
Dad was busy
he came back around 1.30am
then i finally went for bed
~the end~