Gosh i'm now at ATC's lab (computer lab NOT science lab..obviously ATC doesn't have any science lab)
ok 1st of all
why am i here?
well because i'm bored and my lessons for today is LAN(malaysian studies) and economics
this morning i was SO DAMN FREAKING TIRED THAT i overslept xD
hahax woke up 7.00am was rushing through everything but still managed to eat 2eggs ^^
the KTM was on time =D
there's 4 indians 1 teen 3 kids who were standing infront of me
(FYI KTM is SUPER packed it's like you are the tuna squeezed in a sealed can where the air is stuffy AND stagnant)
gosh they were SWEATY
jeez...i was struggling to turn my head around but to no success
(it's an understatement it's worst than stinking)
(oh i forgotten to add that i just recovered from sore throat and fever..no doubt it's coming back)
fine..so i got off the KTM..crossed the road walked up the bridge to the LRT because i was planning to reload my Touch n Go
i'm SO lucky that something is wrong with their machines and computer that they asked me to go KL Central to reload it =.=
i don't go KL Central for Christ's sake!!
continuing my journey
i walk to ATC but there's this bus releasing MASSIVE amount of gas/smoke
no doubt this bus have to go for maintenance
well the smoke was freaking suffocating me
next a motorcycle went pass me and AGAIN the exost pipe MUST be faulty for the smoke FILLED the air
by that time my throat WAS SUPER SUPER itchy and i was holding my breath =.=
Thank God FINALLY reached college
went to class
took a seat at the back of the class
here i am
at the lab
typing away
about my day
so far
welcome to my blog?
er...i'm Qi Jia 18 this year and getting older,fatter and uglier by the year. im an average girl ok maybe im not average. im kinda weird i think. People who dont really know me will know me as the quiet girl sitting there. For those who knows me thinks im weird. For those who knows me REALLY well hehe knows that im damn talkative and weird.xD i mostly blog when im bored. So save your time dont strain your eyes and go read somebody else's blog if you don't wanna get bored to death.=P
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
oh ya
i'm gonna capture some photos of ATC and friends and Jalan Petaling someday (if can by this week)
and i'll post it up for you guys since i know most of you haven't got a single clue what is ATC =D
and i'll post it up for you guys since i know most of you haven't got a single clue what is ATC =D
i didnt't post any blogs in April xD
obviously i was busy xD
i am still busy FYI
but just gonna give some updates
now i'm studying law at Advance Tertiary College(ATC),Jalan Petaling aka Qi Cheong Gai
yes there's "chickens" at Jalan Petaling (for the benefits of those who are wondering about it xD)
i don't know if there's any "ducks" and i don't wanna know (check it out yrself if u REALLY wanna know xD)
anyway last week police did a gerak gempur causing a massive traffic jam
some said they saw "chickens" running around topless (seriously topless)
haha but i didn't saw any because EVERYDAY i am only concern about getting home ASAP
you would if you have to wake up 6.30am everyday and can only get home at 6.30PM(or later once i got back 7.30pm)
damn tiring...no time for tuition (haha ya i'm freaking gia su was planning to take maths tuition =P but since no time so most probably not going tuition )
ATC's lecs are good(especially law lecs, exception for a few *ahem*) and most importantly they are many people whom i can go along with =D
new classmates are friendly ^^ but i still haven't really got to know them that well only a few =D
well hopefully will get to know everyone but personally(no offence) i felt that my class's gang's are isolated from each other..didn't mixed much
so i don't think i'll get to know every single person from my class
but as long as i can remember their names(i still suck in names) and know a little of them and they consider you as a friend
i'm happy di =D
obviously i was busy xD
i am still busy FYI
but just gonna give some updates
now i'm studying law at Advance Tertiary College(ATC),Jalan Petaling aka Qi Cheong Gai
yes there's "chickens" at Jalan Petaling (for the benefits of those who are wondering about it xD)
i don't know if there's any "ducks" and i don't wanna know (check it out yrself if u REALLY wanna know xD)
anyway last week police did a gerak gempur causing a massive traffic jam
some said they saw "chickens" running around topless (seriously topless)
haha but i didn't saw any because EVERYDAY i am only concern about getting home ASAP
you would if you have to wake up 6.30am everyday and can only get home at 6.30PM(or later once i got back 7.30pm)
damn tiring...no time for tuition (haha ya i'm freaking gia su was planning to take maths tuition =P but since no time so most probably not going tuition )
ATC's lecs are good(especially law lecs, exception for a few *ahem*) and most importantly they are many people whom i can go along with =D
new classmates are friendly ^^ but i still haven't really got to know them that well only a few =D
well hopefully will get to know everyone but personally(no offence) i felt that my class's gang's are isolated from each other..didn't mixed much
so i don't think i'll get to know every single person from my class
but as long as i can remember their names(i still suck in names) and know a little of them and they consider you as a friend
i'm happy di =D
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
my SPM result
yes straight As (am happy)
BUT (ya there's ALWAYS a BUT)
NONE of my science subject got A+
if my science subjects couldn't even get A+ in SPM standard
there is no freaking way i can get A* in A levels
so got to bid Taylors biosciences A levels ta-ta
because initially was thinking if result good go taylor study biosciences
if result freaking trrible go Lim Kok Wing study architecture
in the end ...
result came out ok ok only
so....parents prefer i go study LAW
the thing is
i NEVER consider study law
(except when i was like 4years old i wanted to go UK then ppl told me UK good for studying law so i said want to be a lawyer xD)
this is so frustrating....
yes straight As (am happy)
BUT (ya there's ALWAYS a BUT)
NONE of my science subject got A+
if my science subjects couldn't even get A+ in SPM standard
there is no freaking way i can get A* in A levels
so got to bid Taylors biosciences A levels ta-ta
because initially was thinking if result good go taylor study biosciences
if result freaking trrible go Lim Kok Wing study architecture
in the end ...
result came out ok ok only
so....parents prefer i go study LAW
the thing is
i NEVER consider study law
(except when i was like 4years old i wanted to go UK then ppl told me UK good for studying law so i said want to be a lawyer xD)
this is so frustrating....
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
6.20am : Ning woke me up wished me good luck (hence can't sleep after that)
9.20am : FINALLY got out of bed
10.45am: went for shower
11.15am: Got a call from Qi Yi(my sis)
QJ: Home..don't worrry i'll go to school at 12.30pm
QJ: o....ok...
QJ: o..after 10 minutes la(i was halfway through brunch k? xD)
QY: FASTER!!!!(and she hung up)
Told my parents they were like congratulation
11.30am: went to school.. Yes..i got lotsa slapping on the shoulder for not coming EARLY and go up the stage for my SPM result slip =.=
Anyways STRAIGHT As!!!!! but only 5A+ 4A 2A-
result not really good.. because my 3 science subjects didn't get A+
and BM!!! ish!!! got an A =.= was expecting A+ for BM
One subject i'm really happy was mandarin got A- ^^
improvement since PMR i got B =D
12.00pm: FINALLY got my result slip from Puan Chong Ah Loi's office
12.30pm: After chats with friends and teachers finally went home(not exactly la..went chiong K with Loo and Lyn =>)
YAY!!!! 11 As!!!!!!!
i never dreamt that i'll get straight As for SPM (PMR has ruined it) but YAY!!!!!
Alevels in science subject or arts subject?
because since i didn't get A+ in my science subjects(SPM standard) ..how can i get A* in my A levels?
Law or Medicine field?
9.20am : FINALLY got out of bed
10.45am: went for shower
11.15am: Got a call from Qi Yi(my sis)
QJ: Home..don't worrry i'll go to school at 12.30pm
QJ: o....ok...
QJ: o..after 10 minutes la(i was halfway through brunch k? xD)
QY: FASTER!!!!(and she hung up)
Told my parents they were like congratulation
11.30am: went to school.. Yes..i got lotsa slapping on the shoulder for not coming EARLY and go up the stage for my SPM result slip =.=
Anyways STRAIGHT As!!!!! but only 5A+ 4A 2A-
result not really good.. because my 3 science subjects didn't get A+
and BM!!! ish!!! got an A =.= was expecting A+ for BM
One subject i'm really happy was mandarin got A- ^^
improvement since PMR i got B =D
12.00pm: FINALLY got my result slip from Puan Chong Ah Loi's office
12.30pm: After chats with friends and teachers finally went home(not exactly la..went chiong K with Loo and Lyn =>)
YAY!!!! 11 As!!!!!!!
i never dreamt that i'll get straight As for SPM (PMR has ruined it) but YAY!!!!!
Alevels in science subject or arts subject?
because since i didn't get A+ in my science subjects(SPM standard) ..how can i get A* in my A levels?
Law or Medicine field?
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
the Big-Day
(not really la in my opinion it doesnt affect much)
bad or good your result there's still many options for you to choose
anyways good luck for every F5/2010 !!!
wish me luck too!!
(not really la in my opinion it doesnt affect much)
bad or good your result there's still many options for you to choose
anyways good luck for every F5/2010 !!!
wish me luck too!!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
well it's the 1st word that came into my mind so i put AH lor xD
i want to go pyramid tomorrow BUT my mom wants me to help out my aunt at her studio
so *pop* there goes my PLANNED day
well it's the 1st word that came into my mind so i put AH lor xD
i want to go pyramid tomorrow BUT my mom wants me to help out my aunt at her studio
so *pop* there goes my PLANNED day
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Alex Pettyfer

The title says it's all xD
After watching I Am Number Four trailer , i didn't notice that's Alex P.
i only notice Number One was killed in Malaysia
and to my dissapointment, Malaysia wasn't mention in the movie at all xD (they started with Number Three hahax)
I Am Number Four..hmm the storyline is quite normal ..really.. but somehow the movie IS nice
Somehow Alex P. in I am number Four doesn't look like Alex P. in Wildchild(the 1st time i watched his movie {or i noticed his presence anyway hehe})
overall, I Am Number Four is a WAY better movie than the Green Hornet
if u love the Green Hornet(i wonder why) u'll DEFINITELY love I Am Number Four
oh and Number Six is damn cool ^^
No offense but personally i think Number Six is cooler than Numver Four =P
Beastly: Alex P. in Beastly looks like Alex P. in Wildchild though xD
after reading the comments at Youtube then ONLY i noticed Alex P. is starring in I Am Number Four (haha ya i'm super blur) >.<
Starting of Beastly was total eye-candy
the whole cinema went like WHOAH~
ya he still looks cute in bald xD
And again.. Beastly is a normal storyline BUT it is also quite well directed because i didn't get bored (i got totally bored watching the Green Hornet and Transformer 2.worst movies i've seen so far)
i enjoy watching Beastly ^^
Beastly is a modern time Beauty and the Beast, though Vanessa Hudgens looks er...how should i put it ..SLY (well she reminds me of withches)
yea she's pretty in the movie but in all the posters she really reminds me of witches
All in all
Alex Pettyfer is totally hot+cute <3 <3 <3
Monday, March 7, 2011
Remember Me
Just watched Remember Me by Robert Pattinson
overall it's okay
the starting was a bit boring but the ending really got me thinking...
"Whatever you do in life, will be insignificant.
But it is very important you do it,because nobody else will. -Gandhi"
I don't really understand the meaning of it at first but after the movie..it makes sense...
I realise we don't so much appreciate the getting, but we ALWAYS mind the losing.
You remember what is lost, and you forget what's right in front of you.
Lost is painful, always is, but we have to move on and appreciate the ones around us before another regret...
i was six, me and my sister were put at one of my aunt's house for a week because my dad's undergoing liver surgery due to liver cancer at Singapore..
imagine being told when u were SIX that you have to prepare yourself that daddy might not be coming home..
One whole week.. no phone calls from mommy and daddy..no news at all...
it's scary...
and what's worst.. your relatives told you I'll send you to the best orphanage so you don't have to worry about your future
which 6-years-old wouldn't for God's sake?
my dad's life is at stake
and you people aren't even comforting his children but went on about which orphanage is good,about how you have to study hard yourself because they aren't going to support your education at all,about you going to be separated from your sisters and mom.
after a year...my dad was diagnosis ed with lung cancer...hence another 2 weeks with relatives
and they are STILL the same..no comforts. no positive thinking's.
i know you won't support the rest of my family but i can't believe that's how you treat your brother.
My dad lost his dad when he was around 16, he worked hard to pay for his THREE younger siblings education until they graduated in universities.
Not a single thank you, they took it for granted. what's their excuse: He's the older brother, it's his responsibility to take care of us.
Thank God there is such a thing called miracle.
My dad is still alive when the doctors told us again and again to prepare ourselves.
because of this incident i believe that miracle DO happen.
my dad didn't hold any grudges against them..probably because THEY are his SIBLINGS and he doesn't know what they told me and my mom.
i complain a lot about my parents, how annoying and how frustrating they are most of the time but they loved me unconditionally, i'm not their favourite but at least they still support me by giving and making too many decisions for me because they care for me.
I'll love them for who they are even though they'll no doubt pissed me off in the future xD
and another thing
i REALLY REALLY get PISSED when people say: He got cancer, but he's a nice guy.
it's like they are HINTING that they are bad in some ways we don't know and God is punishing them for their evil deeds.
and THAT'S one of the reasons why many people hide the fact that they are diasgnosised cancer.
one good example, my uncle.
He's now terminally ill..in coma..on oxygen tank
He has a 8-years-old son who is now having mixed feelings why his father got more attention from the family and why he can't tell people about his dad but to lie about his dad's condition.
He does not understand how ill his dad is, but it's completely understandable because he is only a little boy.
He does not understand why he must lie but he THOUGHT he understand why he must lie.
It's because my dad doesn't want anyone to know or there'll be rumours about how bad my daddy was or in his past lives. =.=
Why keep it a secret that you are diagnosised with cancer?
because people will think badly of you.
for those who think that people who are ill due to cronic diseases did evil mean stuff in their past deserved it, i politely ask you to THINK AGAIN.
EVERYONE of YOU has cancer cells in YOU!
it's a TIME BOMB
no matter how healthy you are, how healthy your lifestyle is
my uncle, my grandma both are vegetarian. still they couldn't avoid it.
you can't foresee the future, NONE of us can.
but we can make a difference.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Give the world the best you have.
yes it may never be enough,
but give the world the best you got anyway.
always appreciate and be grateful, don't forget what's right in front of you.
overall it's okay
the starting was a bit boring but the ending really got me thinking...
"Whatever you do in life, will be insignificant.
But it is very important you do it,because nobody else will. -Gandhi"
I don't really understand the meaning of it at first but after the movie..it makes sense...
I realise we don't so much appreciate the getting, but we ALWAYS mind the losing.
You remember what is lost, and you forget what's right in front of you.
Lost is painful, always is, but we have to move on and appreciate the ones around us before another regret...
i was six, me and my sister were put at one of my aunt's house for a week because my dad's undergoing liver surgery due to liver cancer at Singapore..
imagine being told when u were SIX that you have to prepare yourself that daddy might not be coming home..
One whole week.. no phone calls from mommy and daddy..no news at all...
it's scary...
and what's worst.. your relatives told you I'll send you to the best orphanage so you don't have to worry about your future
which 6-years-old wouldn't for God's sake?
my dad's life is at stake
and you people aren't even comforting his children but went on about which orphanage is good,about how you have to study hard yourself because they aren't going to support your education at all,about you going to be separated from your sisters and mom.
after a year...my dad was diagnosis ed with lung cancer...hence another 2 weeks with relatives
and they are STILL the same..no comforts. no positive thinking's.
i know you won't support the rest of my family but i can't believe that's how you treat your brother.
My dad lost his dad when he was around 16, he worked hard to pay for his THREE younger siblings education until they graduated in universities.
Not a single thank you, they took it for granted. what's their excuse: He's the older brother, it's his responsibility to take care of us.
Thank God there is such a thing called miracle.
My dad is still alive when the doctors told us again and again to prepare ourselves.
because of this incident i believe that miracle DO happen.
my dad didn't hold any grudges against them..probably because THEY are his SIBLINGS and he doesn't know what they told me and my mom.
i complain a lot about my parents, how annoying and how frustrating they are most of the time but they loved me unconditionally, i'm not their favourite but at least they still support me by giving and making too many decisions for me because they care for me.
I'll love them for who they are even though they'll no doubt pissed me off in the future xD
and another thing
i REALLY REALLY get PISSED when people say: He got cancer, but he's a nice guy.
it's like they are HINTING that they are bad in some ways we don't know and God is punishing them for their evil deeds.
and THAT'S one of the reasons why many people hide the fact that they are diasgnosised cancer.
one good example, my uncle.
He's now terminally ill..in coma..on oxygen tank
He has a 8-years-old son who is now having mixed feelings why his father got more attention from the family and why he can't tell people about his dad but to lie about his dad's condition.
He does not understand how ill his dad is, but it's completely understandable because he is only a little boy.
He does not understand why he must lie but he THOUGHT he understand why he must lie.
It's because my dad doesn't want anyone to know or there'll be rumours about how bad my daddy was or in his past lives. =.=
Why keep it a secret that you are diagnosised with cancer?
because people will think badly of you.
for those who think that people who are ill due to cronic diseases did evil mean stuff in their past deserved it, i politely ask you to THINK AGAIN.
EVERYONE of YOU has cancer cells in YOU!
it's a TIME BOMB
no matter how healthy you are, how healthy your lifestyle is
my uncle, my grandma both are vegetarian. still they couldn't avoid it.
you can't foresee the future, NONE of us can.
but we can make a difference.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Give the world the best you have.
yes it may never be enough,
but give the world the best you got anyway.
always appreciate and be grateful, don't forget what's right in front of you.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
i just counted
this is the 59th post, next post is post number 60th
yea i'm just bored...posting random useless stuff right now
yea i'm just bored...posting random useless stuff right now
i want to watch
I Am Number Four
Black Swan
Inception(yes i haven't watch it)
New Shao Lin
127 Hours
Anyone got their DVDs(quality ok one la) ??? xD
so many old movies haven't watch....
Remember Me..Percy Jackson..the owl guardian or something.. Gulliver's travel.. tron....
so many i want to watch AGAIN like Prince of Persia...Eclipse...
Damn it.. PPS deleted the American drama series section T.T
i want to watch Vampire Diaries S2, Nichita, Heroes(haven't even finish S1), Glee
What is wrong with my house computer or wiring connection?!?!?!
when the computer works ok...connection got problem
when connection good...computer got problem =.=
i'm using netbook right now...
ish...we love technologies but we can't help cursing them when something went wrong
i wanna watch movies..............aih...restriction from parents again...............bored..................pissed.....................frustrated and annoyed................
once i finish studies i have to start working and hence no time for movies or leisure
even though i have free time now , thanks to my dear mommy and daddy i'm not allowed to waste their money
PUR-lease i'll pay them back, ok??
they record everything me and my sis spent so i must pay them back the EXACT amount or more(cannot be less)
if it wasn't because my mom wants me to teach TUITION i would have take a full-time job in Sunway Pyramid
i REGRETTED my decision....every single day listen to her LECTURES and her treating me as if i'm her maid
Wash my plates, clean this and that...at night she'll COMPLAIN to my dad i didn't do anything at home, that SHE have to clean and wash my stuff when I'M the ONE WHO DID THOSE CHORES
OBVIOUSLY my dad doesn't believe me..after a few arguments i don't bother correcting them anymore
Why am i STUCKeD with THIS family though??
Yes i know i'm suppose to be grateful and all but STILL i'm pissed off right now
they limit my time on computers(they had passwords on the computer), time on books, time on novels, time on entertainment and NO allowance(they expect me to survive college without eating)
Thank God i have a sister who understands my situation because we are in the EXACT same situation
though i'm not happy with her decisions most of the time at least we still understand each other
OMG here i go again rambling on how pissed i am...gosh.. being stucked at home for 3 months is more stressful than taking SPM
my hair loss is obvious(i'm not yet bald but wherever i sit you can spot strands of hairs on the seat) and they(my parents) start their lectures AGAIN how i'm being a NAUGHTY UNGRATEFUL DAUGHTER because i feel stressed out being at home
yea they should be grateful at least the don't have a daughter who smokes, take drugs or constantly go agaisnt the law or something equally dreadful
I know i'm not their ideal perfect daughter(EVERYONE KNOWS NOBODY IS PERFECT)
i know i'm not a genius(my dad's friend's son was awarded world number ONE for biology in A level so they compare me to HIM)ish
I know i'm not slim and pretty(mom wants me to work out[because i'm fat] and join makeup workshop..seriously what's the point?)
yea i'll TRY to be a better daughter,smarter(i doubt i'll ever be smart enough for THEM),work out more but no makeup workshop for me(i'll go for total plastic surgery if i had the money){and the stupid thing is they DON'T want me go for plastic surgery}
haiz...........back to movies
why i want to watch movies so badly is because i don't have to think much and just watch whatever is going through infront of my eyes
movies takes my mind of problems(movies makes people more stupid though xD)
popcorn and soft drinks doesn't help your weight either
so i'll just buy a ticket, go into the cinema and watch the movie
the Green Hornet suck..i SO do NOT want to watch it ever again...
I Am Number Four
Black Swan
Inception(yes i haven't watch it)
New Shao Lin
127 Hours
Anyone got their DVDs(quality ok one la) ??? xD
so many old movies haven't watch....
Remember Me..Percy Jackson..the owl guardian or something.. Gulliver's travel.. tron....
so many i want to watch AGAIN like Prince of Persia...Eclipse...
Damn it.. PPS deleted the American drama series section T.T
i want to watch Vampire Diaries S2, Nichita, Heroes(haven't even finish S1), Glee
What is wrong with my house computer or wiring connection?!?!?!
when the computer works ok...connection got problem
when connection good...computer got problem =.=
i'm using netbook right now...
ish...we love technologies but we can't help cursing them when something went wrong
i wanna watch movies..............aih...restriction from parents again...............bored..................pissed.....................frustrated and annoyed................
once i finish studies i have to start working and hence no time for movies or leisure
even though i have free time now , thanks to my dear mommy and daddy i'm not allowed to waste their money
PUR-lease i'll pay them back, ok??
they record everything me and my sis spent so i must pay them back the EXACT amount or more(cannot be less)
if it wasn't because my mom wants me to teach TUITION i would have take a full-time job in Sunway Pyramid
i REGRETTED my decision....every single day listen to her LECTURES and her treating me as if i'm her maid
Wash my plates, clean this and that...at night she'll COMPLAIN to my dad i didn't do anything at home, that SHE have to clean and wash my stuff when I'M the ONE WHO DID THOSE CHORES
OBVIOUSLY my dad doesn't believe me..after a few arguments i don't bother correcting them anymore
Why am i STUCKeD with THIS family though??
Yes i know i'm suppose to be grateful and all but STILL i'm pissed off right now
they limit my time on computers(they had passwords on the computer), time on books, time on novels, time on entertainment and NO allowance(they expect me to survive college without eating)
Thank God i have a sister who understands my situation because we are in the EXACT same situation
though i'm not happy with her decisions most of the time at least we still understand each other
OMG here i go again rambling on how pissed i am...gosh.. being stucked at home for 3 months is more stressful than taking SPM
my hair loss is obvious(i'm not yet bald but wherever i sit you can spot strands of hairs on the seat) and they(my parents) start their lectures AGAIN how i'm being a NAUGHTY UNGRATEFUL DAUGHTER because i feel stressed out being at home
yea they should be grateful at least the don't have a daughter who smokes, take drugs or constantly go agaisnt the law or something equally dreadful
I know i'm not their ideal perfect daughter(EVERYONE KNOWS NOBODY IS PERFECT)
i know i'm not a genius(my dad's friend's son was awarded world number ONE for biology in A level so they compare me to HIM)ish
I know i'm not slim and pretty(mom wants me to work out[because i'm fat] and join makeup workshop..seriously what's the point?)
yea i'll TRY to be a better daughter,smarter(i doubt i'll ever be smart enough for THEM),work out more but no makeup workshop for me(i'll go for total plastic surgery if i had the money){and the stupid thing is they DON'T want me go for plastic surgery}
haiz...........back to movies
why i want to watch movies so badly is because i don't have to think much and just watch whatever is going through infront of my eyes
movies takes my mind of problems(movies makes people more stupid though xD)
popcorn and soft drinks doesn't help your weight either
so i'll just buy a ticket, go into the cinema and watch the movie
the Green Hornet suck..i SO do NOT want to watch it ever again...
Qi Jia's Driving Skills
I Have very very lousY driving skills
Here's why xD
1st I nearly bang A FEW cars and LORRIES on the road(especially at junctions when 3 roads become 2) =P
2nd my tyres are always on the divider xD
3rd i NEVER mati engine during slope,parking,3 point turn BUT halfway DRIVING on the road (yes i dunno what i did,i just faster on the engine and change gear and stuff and again nearly bang a car)(i REALLY am sucky)
4th i keep forgetting to put on signal
5th my stop is like an emergency brek. always lurch forward xD
6th turning left or right, i speed(yep my feet hit the oil instead of brek) xD a few times it happen (instructor yells everytime it happened of course) =P
7th i suck in changing gear. it's either i forgotten to hit the clutch while i'm suppose to change gear OR i forgotten to release the clutch after i changed gear xD
8th without my instructor yelling, i have no idea when to change gear, signal or turn ^^
i have really extraordinary-lousy driving skills
no wonder my dad never lets me touch his car ever again after letting me drive a few times xD
Here's why xD
1st I nearly bang A FEW cars and LORRIES on the road(especially at junctions when 3 roads become 2) =P
2nd my tyres are always on the divider xD
3rd i NEVER mati engine during slope,parking,3 point turn BUT halfway DRIVING on the road (yes i dunno what i did,i just faster on the engine and change gear and stuff and again nearly bang a car)(i REALLY am sucky)
4th i keep forgetting to put on signal
5th my stop is like an emergency brek. always lurch forward xD
6th turning left or right, i speed(yep my feet hit the oil instead of brek) xD a few times it happen (instructor yells everytime it happened of course) =P
7th i suck in changing gear. it's either i forgotten to hit the clutch while i'm suppose to change gear OR i forgotten to release the clutch after i changed gear xD
8th without my instructor yelling, i have no idea when to change gear, signal or turn ^^
i have really extraordinary-lousy driving skills
no wonder my dad never lets me touch his car ever again after letting me drive a few times xD
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
56th post
i didn't realise i had posted more than 50 posts xD
since i seldom blog mostly facebook, youtube, pps , pi pi tv , kpop
wonder when i'll be posting my 100th post =P
this year or next year? or the year after next?
or will i ever reach 100 popst?
seems like a mystery to me
blogging relieves my thoughts from my brain(i think)
still i feel like my posts are getting more and more boring...
is it because i'm (what my mom would say) "you're finally thinking more MATUREly"
nope that's not the reason
Reason is because i miss all my friends.. i haven't start college..working alone..
yes i feel terribly lonely xD
okay i had post enough for 2 hours
time to stop
will start posting again on.. er you'll know it when i blog again
since i seldom blog mostly facebook, youtube, pps , pi pi tv , kpop
wonder when i'll be posting my 100th post =P
this year or next year? or the year after next?
or will i ever reach 100 popst?
seems like a mystery to me
blogging relieves my thoughts from my brain(i think)
still i feel like my posts are getting more and more boring...
is it because i'm (what my mom would say) "you're finally thinking more MATUREly"
nope that's not the reason
Reason is because i miss all my friends.. i haven't start college..working alone..
yes i feel terribly lonely xD
okay i had post enough for 2 hours
time to stop
will start posting again on.. er you'll know it when i blog again
(i don't know what title i should put for this post) xD
Been thinking a lot lately
you WOULD if you are stuck at home for two MONTHS(nearly two months)
been worrying about stuff (of course) like SPM...
i know i did badly and there's this horrible ffeeling that i'll get lots of Bs and a D(for mandarin){worst FAIL but it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't put your grades onto the slip if you fail}
because my mandarin essay is out of topic T.T
felt like crying out loud but what is done is done.. i did my best.. i can't change it.. i will just have to face the fact and reality.. not avoiding it
ever since stpm result was out..i'm having constant reminder about "your spm....your result..."
frustrating AND annoying ...and scary AND stressful
i'm the eldest siblings
so naturally it's my responsibility to be a role model for my younger sisters
yes my parents told me over and over again it's ok that you don't get straight As but i can SEE it in their EYES
they REALLY do want the straight As...i felt like i had totally let them down..and it's my fault for not studiyng harder...
hopefully i can get scholarships so i don't have to rely my academics fees on my parents
i felt like i owed them A LOT(even though parents pissed you most of the time)[anyway who doesn't felt that way? everyone must AT LEAST once felt like they controlled too much of your life but you know they only want the best for you]
i'm really glad i met so many people i can call friends at high school
because i didn't really met many real or understanding friends in primary school
(primary school life if one of the worst periods of my life)
i was dumb,naive, too innocent and stupid, no personality just a complete nerd until i went F1 and realise how insane i had been for the past 6 years
REal or Understanding friends
they don't have to be CLOSE friends
they are they one who gives you advices, their point of views to help you through the barrier inside yourself
they are honest even though honesty sometimes really hurts but you've got to face the facts. and facts ARE facts, there's no denying it.
they always had given you help indirectly, without you realising it most of the time
and when you do, you'll be grateful for they are there.
they sometimes had many things in common with you such as characteristics{the way they treat some things etc)
and sometimes understanding friends think alike.
(Great minds think alike no doubt xD and i guess that's why they are UNDERSTANDING friends)
they are there, they are always there, they are around us only we don't notice them most of the time, they were and always will be there
i thank God(i'm not a christian even though my mom's friend been giving me bible study since er..i can't remember when)(i go to the temple once in awhile becuse my grandma wants me to and i can't say no to my grandma)so i'm a free-thinker like my parents
but i believe there's someone/something up there or down there or around us who had created us,guided us through life
they had given each a life which is expectedly unexpected.
Hence live your life to the fullest..life ain't long.
Treasure your life and most importantly everyone and everything around you.
for example i didn't treasure much of my watch(not because it's an original RM 500 Swatch Snowboarder complete with certs black-red1 of my fav colour combination watch)
it's because i WON that watch when i was 14years old.
it represents one of my best achievements in when i was 14.
i lost it after my biology exam during spm..i'm not sure if i lost it at school or what but i hope whoever found it would treasure it eeven though it might mean nothing to you...
no one can define what is life
life varies with every special individuals
we are those special individuals
believe that you are special
simply because you are.
you WOULD if you are stuck at home for two MONTHS(nearly two months)
been worrying about stuff (of course) like SPM...
i know i did badly and there's this horrible ffeeling that i'll get lots of Bs and a D(for mandarin){worst FAIL but it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't put your grades onto the slip if you fail}
because my mandarin essay is out of topic T.T
felt like crying out loud but what is done is done.. i did my best.. i can't change it.. i will just have to face the fact and reality.. not avoiding it
ever since stpm result was out..i'm having constant reminder about "your spm....your result..."
frustrating AND annoying ...and scary AND stressful
i'm the eldest siblings
so naturally it's my responsibility to be a role model for my younger sisters
yes my parents told me over and over again it's ok that you don't get straight As but i can SEE it in their EYES
they REALLY do want the straight As...i felt like i had totally let them down..and it's my fault for not studiyng harder...
hopefully i can get scholarships so i don't have to rely my academics fees on my parents
i felt like i owed them A LOT(even though parents pissed you most of the time)[anyway who doesn't felt that way? everyone must AT LEAST once felt like they controlled too much of your life but you know they only want the best for you]
i'm really glad i met so many people i can call friends at high school
because i didn't really met many real or understanding friends in primary school
(primary school life if one of the worst periods of my life)
i was dumb,naive, too innocent and stupid, no personality just a complete nerd until i went F1 and realise how insane i had been for the past 6 years
REal or Understanding friends
they don't have to be CLOSE friends
they are they one who gives you advices, their point of views to help you through the barrier inside yourself
they are honest even though honesty sometimes really hurts but you've got to face the facts. and facts ARE facts, there's no denying it.
they always had given you help indirectly, without you realising it most of the time
and when you do, you'll be grateful for they are there.
they sometimes had many things in common with you such as characteristics{the way they treat some things etc)
and sometimes understanding friends think alike.
(Great minds think alike no doubt xD and i guess that's why they are UNDERSTANDING friends)
they are there, they are always there, they are around us only we don't notice them most of the time, they were and always will be there
i thank God(i'm not a christian even though my mom's friend been giving me bible study since er..i can't remember when)(i go to the temple once in awhile becuse my grandma wants me to and i can't say no to my grandma)so i'm a free-thinker like my parents
but i believe there's someone/something up there or down there or around us who had created us,guided us through life
they had given each a life which is expectedly unexpected.
Hence live your life to the fullest..life ain't long.
Treasure your life and most importantly everyone and everything around you.
for example i didn't treasure much of my watch(not because it's an original RM 500 Swatch Snowboarder complete with certs black-red1 of my fav colour combination watch)
it's because i WON that watch when i was 14years old.
it represents one of my best achievements in when i was 14.
i lost it after my biology exam during spm..i'm not sure if i lost it at school or what but i hope whoever found it would treasure it eeven though it might mean nothing to you...
no one can define what is life
life varies with every special individuals
we are those special individuals
believe that you are special
simply because you are.
2010 is one of my most eventful year
i checked back my Digital Photos Folder under 2010 the the 1st Folder is Kursus Kepimpinan Pengawas 2010 xD well the course isn't REALLY that motivatting or fun .. just a normal typical kursus
apparently i didn't took any pics on New Year...
2nd folder was CNY
most memorable stuff i did during CNY was card-making with Loo Yee and wan yin ^^
still not fond of some of my relatives...you know the kinds who think they are the best and know it all kind(i still don't like them A LOT)
{i don't know what had happen to my blog.. i can't put coloured wordings and when i click on the italics [em] stuff keep coming out =.= does anyone know how can i change it back? it's frustating to be only typing BLACK & WHITE only..}
3rd folder is The cAmeron Highland school trip
(honestly i never feel up for a trip to Cameron Highland but what can you do if your the chairman of the organising society?)
But all in all it was an ok trip but the 1st night everyone got panicked over 2 guys in black suits who were following some of the students..creepy people..thank God nothing happen..thanks the angels for watching over us
well i'll skipped a few folders which include Alice in Wonderland art competition , Hari Sukan
Covershot is my favourite folder ^^
we had our family photos taken and the photos were beautiful(as in really natural)
Covershot is a shop at Kelana Jaya.. anyone wants to take a family photo i'll recommend them Covershot, Kelana Jaya. More info FB me xD
Next is the CO2 car folder
ok i still remember the 1st day of meeting on 4th June VERY CLEARLY because
it was my birthday and last day of exam before holiday =.= yep
so i stayed back after school to meet up with the other team members..include tim soon, matthew, wen jing , yong shiang, jia chen, choon tye..crap was mun hong there that day?(okay i admit i didn't remember THAT day as clearly as i thought xD)
Anyway that day i was freaking hungry and frustrated (don't ask me why i just felt that way at that time)
well on competition day.. yep met an accident..nothing big happen..just a small hand sugery..NO WAY i would want to stay overnight at the hospital.. i had enough of hospital admissions xD(yes i had lots of health problems/accidents) =P
still THEY(my teammates) NOT me won 3rd!!! Congrats to them again!!!
not many people can stay calm and still did their best and won k? it's not simple so they deserve ALL the credits
Again i'll skip my other folders... until Graduation Day. I really am missing everyone from SMK SS17(there's an exception of course =P not gonna tell who hehe)
Pn Chuah retirements...spm....and the BEST(most ENJOYING moments of 2010) is my trip to Taiwan
Met so many new friends..each with different personalities,their own style
Gosh..i'm missing them AGAIN even i know them for ONLY 2 WEEKS
yes only 2 weeks
but what can you say we totally bonded woth each other
Pan Pan
Kah Sheng
Yi Ying
Jie Lian
Yew Ping
YanGin(Mr Headmaster xD)
Gu Lun
Yuin Hoong and Yi Hung(no they aren't brothers) xD
Chun Leng
Tze Yuan
Pao Ee
Kai Ling
Kim Hui(photographer)
Jui Aik aka prof Tan
Zhi Yean
Yee Seng
Chin Kwang
Boon Hau
and SO MANY more... sorry i couldn't list out everyone's name
but all of you guys had made December 16th-29th one of my most memorable and best moments of my life
seriously THANK YOU guys
will miss you guys always
Last few days of 2010 spent my days with Loo Yee, Wan Yin . Amerlyn , Yu ying...before school starts and Loo Yee and Amerlyn go NS..
There's up and downs in 2010
i lost 2 important people
you might not get why they are important to me since they aren't my relatives or close friends
sometimes without you realising it,time spent shortly EVEN if it's a stranger could change you in ways you won't notice till they are gone
One had taught me to speak up, not be the old me(timid, shy,got pushed around type)
One had taught me to always give people smiles even if they don't return your smile
I 1st met them both in 2006.. i didn't get to know them that well but they each had changed me without me realising it until lately..
i guess this is the end of my post 2010...
i checked back my Digital Photos Folder under 2010 the the 1st Folder is Kursus Kepimpinan Pengawas 2010 xD well the course isn't REALLY that motivatting or fun .. just a normal typical kursus
apparently i didn't took any pics on New Year...
2nd folder was CNY
most memorable stuff i did during CNY was card-making with Loo Yee and wan yin ^^
still not fond of some of my relatives...you know the kinds who think they are the best and know it all kind(i still don't like them A LOT)
{i don't know what had happen to my blog.. i can't put coloured wordings and when i click on the italics [em] stuff keep coming out =.= does anyone know how can i change it back? it's frustating to be only typing BLACK & WHITE only..}
3rd folder is The cAmeron Highland school trip
(honestly i never feel up for a trip to Cameron Highland but what can you do if your the chairman of the organising society?)
But all in all it was an ok trip but the 1st night everyone got panicked over 2 guys in black suits who were following some of the students..creepy people..thank God nothing happen..thanks the angels for watching over us
well i'll skipped a few folders which include Alice in Wonderland art competition , Hari Sukan
Covershot is my favourite folder ^^
we had our family photos taken and the photos were beautiful(as in really natural)
Covershot is a shop at Kelana Jaya.. anyone wants to take a family photo i'll recommend them Covershot, Kelana Jaya. More info FB me xD
Next is the CO2 car folder
ok i still remember the 1st day of meeting on 4th June VERY CLEARLY because
it was my birthday and last day of exam before holiday =.= yep
so i stayed back after school to meet up with the other team members..include tim soon, matthew, wen jing , yong shiang, jia chen, choon tye..crap was mun hong there that day?(okay i admit i didn't remember THAT day as clearly as i thought xD)
Anyway that day i was freaking hungry and frustrated (don't ask me why i just felt that way at that time)
well on competition day.. yep met an accident..nothing big happen..just a small hand sugery..NO WAY i would want to stay overnight at the hospital.. i had enough of hospital admissions xD(yes i had lots of health problems/accidents) =P
still THEY(my teammates) NOT me won 3rd!!! Congrats to them again!!!
not many people can stay calm and still did their best and won k? it's not simple so they deserve ALL the credits
Again i'll skip my other folders... until Graduation Day. I really am missing everyone from SMK SS17(there's an exception of course =P not gonna tell who
Pn Chuah retirements...spm....and the BEST(most ENJOYING moments of 2010) is my trip to Taiwan
Met so many new friends..each with different personalities,their own style
Gosh..i'm missing them AGAIN even i know them for ONLY 2 WEEKS
yes only 2 weeks
but what can you say we totally bonded woth each other
Pan Pan
Kah Sheng
Yi Ying
Jie Lian
Yew Ping
YanGin(Mr Headmaster xD)
Gu Lun
Yuin Hoong and Yi Hung(no they aren't brothers) xD
Chun Leng
Tze Yuan
Pao Ee
Kai Ling
Kim Hui(photographer)
Jui Aik aka prof Tan
Zhi Yean
Yee Seng
Chin Kwang
Boon Hau
and SO MANY more... sorry i couldn't list out everyone's name
but all of you guys had made December 16th-29th one of my most memorable and best moments of my life
seriously THANK YOU guys
will miss you guys always
Last few days of 2010 spent my days with Loo Yee, Wan Yin . Amerlyn , Yu ying...before school starts and Loo Yee and Amerlyn go NS..
There's up and downs in 2010
i lost 2 important people
you might not get why they are important to me since they aren't my relatives or close friends
sometimes without you realising it,time spent shortly EVEN if it's a stranger could change you in ways you won't notice till they are gone
One had taught me to speak up, not be the old me(timid, shy,got pushed around type)
One had taught me to always give people smiles even if they don't return your smile
I 1st met them both in 2006.. i didn't get to know them that well but they each had changed me without me realising it until lately..
i guess this is the end of my post 2010...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
okay I had graduated high school officially xD
but havnt finished SPM YET
okay Pn Chuah had just retired today
gonna miss u pn Chuah!!!!
i'll visit u whenever i can xD
okay there's like 11 more days to SPM
(nervous and scary...)need to memorize sejarah and so many more subjects...
and yet
yesterday feels like my orientation day in high school
the first day at my current school
time flies.... really really fast...
you cant turn back time...
there are so many things i wished i can undo and do all over again
to correct all my mistakes
to tell someone how much they actually mean to me before they are gone...
to help those who actually in need
even though i finally have the guts
there's nothing i can do about the past
i'll live my life to the fullest
even when things are rough
this is my future
i will do my very best
to make everyone proud
but havnt finished SPM YET
okay Pn Chuah had just retired today
gonna miss u pn Chuah!!!!
i'll visit u whenever i can xD
okay there's like 11 more days to SPM
(nervous and scary...)need to memorize sejarah and so many more subjects...
and yet
yesterday feels like my orientation day in high school
the first day at my current school
time flies.... really really fast...
you cant turn back time...
there are so many things i wished i can undo and do all over again
to correct all my mistakes
to tell someone how much they actually mean to me before they are gone...
to help those who actually in need
even though i finally have the guts
there's nothing i can do about the past
i'll live my life to the fullest
even when things are rough
this is my future
i will do my very best
to make everyone proud
Friday, October 15, 2010
I'm 17 years old now
but i still love watching Disney's classic cartoons movies
The Little Mermaid
Sleeping Beauty
Beauty and the Beast
Peter Pan
Lady and the Tramp
Lion King
Toys Story
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
101 Dalmatians
The Aristrocats
Hunchback of Norte Dame
The old Disney's movie are WAY better than nowadays Disney
such as Hannah Montana, Bolt , Enchanted , Sky High
However i must say The Princess and the Frog, Up ,Wall-E aren't bad
It's actually good
but not as good as the classics
i still prefer hand-drawn cartoons than all those 3Ds and special effect whatever
the values of these movies are lost
there's too much plot in it
Once you finish watching it you won't remember what happened
at least the classics
after watching you'll get the message of the movie straightaway
it's clear cut
nowadays the movies and shows are funny yes but it doesn't give clear message
wishing Disney will produce better movies and shows
Don't lose the Disney magic!
but i still love watching Disney's classic cartoons movies
The Little Mermaid
Sleeping Beauty
Beauty and the Beast
Peter Pan
Lady and the Tramp
Lion King
Toys Story
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
101 Dalmatians
The Aristrocats
Hunchback of Norte Dame
The old Disney's movie are WAY better than nowadays Disney
such as Hannah Montana, Bolt , Enchanted , Sky High
However i must say The Princess and the Frog, Up ,Wall-E aren't bad
It's actually good
but not as good as the classics
i still prefer hand-drawn cartoons than all those 3Ds and special effect whatever
the values of these movies are lost
there's too much plot in it
Once you finish watching it you won't remember what happened
at least the classics
after watching you'll get the message of the movie straightaway
it's clear cut
nowadays the movies and shows are funny yes but it doesn't give clear message
wishing Disney will produce better movies and shows
Don't lose the Disney magic!
Having a sister who is 3 years younger than you
Yes having a sister can be such a pain in the ass
ESPECIALLY if you have a selfish big-head arrogant little sister who think she's the world's greatest-bow-to-me-because-I'm-the-prettiest
Just because she's pretty and I'm ugly
SHE thinks she can step on me and order me around
Just because she thinks she has the best body and legs
SHE can demand everything she wants
Just because she thinks she's the WORLD'S prettiest
SHE can treat her FAMILY members like shit!
Hate to burst your little bubble sis
but your pretty little face won't last
it's no use
looking at the mirror every single day
telling yourself
"oo I'm so pretty"
PUR-LEASE don't you dare deny it
even the housemaid saw you said that
It's definitely fine with me if your dream is to snag a rich husband and be the wealthy pretty mistress
be Cinderella all you want
but Cinderella is a fairytale
Fairytales don't come true
there's no such things as Prince Charming on white horses for you to coo on
and Cinderella is a hardworking kind loving and gentle character
NOT a lazy selfish greedy commanding and demanding brat like Cinderella's step sisters
Where's your brain may I ask?
Beauty won't give you the power to get whatever you want
So pull your face away from the mirror and start looking around
so stop ordering people around with your little face held up high
it's simply disgusting
ESPECIALLY if you have a selfish big-head arrogant little sister who think she's the world's greatest-bow-to-me-because-I'm-the-prettiest
Just because she's pretty and I'm ugly
SHE thinks she can step on me and order me around
Just because she thinks she has the best body and legs
SHE can demand everything she wants
Just because she thinks she's the WORLD'S prettiest
SHE can treat her FAMILY members like shit!
Hate to burst your little bubble sis
but your pretty little face won't last
it's no use
looking at the mirror every single day
telling yourself
"oo I'm so pretty"
PUR-LEASE don't you dare deny it
even the housemaid saw you said that
It's definitely fine with me if your dream is to snag a rich husband and be the wealthy pretty mistress
be Cinderella all you want
but Cinderella is a fairytale
Fairytales don't come true
there's no such things as Prince Charming on white horses for you to coo on
and Cinderella is a hardworking kind loving and gentle character
NOT a lazy selfish greedy commanding and demanding brat like Cinderella's step sisters
Where's your brain may I ask?
Beauty won't give you the power to get whatever you want
So pull your face away from the mirror and start looking around
so stop ordering people around with your little face held up high
it's simply disgusting
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Feeling betrayed
many things made me realise
things just come and go
we always thought we still have time
we thought we did this mistake, we apologized and everything will go on as normal
then unfortunately you did the same mistake again
that's what you did
I wanted to forgive you
but its hard
no one is supposed to be betrayed by anyone
especially the ones you love
you shouldn't betray them
I thought you really meant it
that you'll change
but you still find excuses for your betrayal
I saw how other people is to their love ones
why can't you be more like them?
you showed everyone you acted
but unfortunately you didn't fooled me
i wanted to tell myself
you changed
however deep down
i know
you haven't...
why can't things be like they used to
or i thought it always was?
things that one doesn't know wont hurt them
it's true
i rather not know but i thank God for letting me know
i'm still trying to accept it
but i really do hope that you'll change
many things made me realise
things just come and go
we always thought we still have time
we thought we did this mistake, we apologized and everything will go on as normal
then unfortunately you did the same mistake again
that's what you did
I wanted to forgive you
but its hard
no one is supposed to be betrayed by anyone
especially the ones you love
you shouldn't betray them
I thought you really meant it
that you'll change
but you still find excuses for your betrayal
I saw how other people is to their love ones
why can't you be more like them?
you showed everyone you acted
but unfortunately you didn't fooled me
i wanted to tell myself
you changed
however deep down
i know
you haven't...
why can't things be like they used to
or i thought it always was?
things that one doesn't know wont hurt them
it's true
i rather not know but i thank God for letting me know
i'm still trying to accept it
but i really do hope that you'll change
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