Monday, January 26, 2009

1st week of school and so on

1st day of school
yea got into 4SN1

2nd day of school
u can start feeling the stress hitting you

3rd day of shool
OMG got to stay back for mandarin class until 3.15pm
homeworks are pilling up
then i got fever....
new year'wish: i want to be taller(!!!!!) healthier and slimmer :D

4th day of school
and the coughing starts

5th day of school

skip to monday which is the 7th day of school
as usual homeworks
add maths,sj,physics.....
before going tuition my temperature was 38.5 celcius degree
i found there's 2 something like mosquito bites on my arms
it didn't fade after 3 hours
went to the clinic
i got chicken pox

8th day of...
was absent
but went for koku
the doctor said 1st 3 days chicken pox won't spread
only the 4,5,6th days will(very contagious)
copied homeworks and staying as far away as possible from the innocents xD

i was absent for a whole week
came back school the next week
some are still afraid to even look at me
honestly i only had around 5 to 10
chicken pox from head to toe
because i found out early and i drank coconut juice the day before i got chicken pox
therefore decreasing the number of chicken pox :D

there's new students and some switched to other classes
my homework is twice the amount of my classmates
i still got sorethroat so i still can't talk much
and my asthma is back....
Simon says
Chicken pox weakens your body's immune system therefore causing the asthma to worsen T.T
but thank God
i'm now cured ^^

Symptons of chicken pox:
  1. fever
  2. flu
  3. cough
  4. ta-da the "mosquitoes biteS"
*depends on individual
some just go straight to no. 4