Saturday, November 28, 2009

Guess what?!

on 19th nov (thurs)

i was watching some crappy movie with my dad suddenly his phone rang

he picked up the phone talked for a long time then he said

Jia, your Teacher.

i was like EXCUSE ME



Oops it was Pn Rohaidah
informing me i won the environmental essay(BM) 2nd place
tomorrow go MPSJ to receive your price

So the next day i went there lor
SMK SS17 got 4 winners
3 form sixes
2 upper 1 lower
and me
i won 2nd
and i'm only form 4
isn't it?

next post i'll post some pictures
right now too busy

tomorrow going for a Penang Food Trip yay!
same time DEFINITELY going to gain FATS


well people
i can not only draw but also write BM essay =P

~i'm still in shock ~
~i'm still digesting the fact that my crappy essay actually won 2nd place~