Sunday, August 23, 2009

Art Competition at Floria , Putrajaya

there was an art competition at Putrajaya and i was required to draw orchids
so i drew the topmost one
and i got Hadiah Cemerlang =D
sorry i sounded lan si
anyway the place was FILLED i mean damn FULL of orchids
EXOTIC orchids
many species of orchids
sorry i'm lazy to upload more photos but just go Cameron Highlands if you are interested in Orchids
Cameron Highland is windy and the air is cooling
good for your health
the followings are pictures and pictures and pictures of orchids and something-not-orchids

it is not paint-on

the patches are natural

colourful cicakS alert!!

can you spot the ducks?

you can't?

are you blind?

there's 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.....